Innovative and modern website for your restaurant.

Everything you need for your website from a single source. Reservia offers you the many years of agency experience you need. Specializing in web, UI/UX and SEO, we offer you extensive know-how and intelligent solutions for your requirements.

Innovative and modern restaurant website

Create your own restaurant website.

Creating various websites is easier than ever these days thanks to countless free providers. That is the thesis. In fact, the exact opposite is the case. Due to the flood of so-called “homepage construction kit” systems, private individuals are encouraged to create complex website solutions for their company. You quickly get to know your own limits. In fact, website creation is not a sandbox or as simple as many providers make it out to be. The fact is that meta data involves sensitive SEO settings that are crucial for the findability of the website itself. If you fill in this information sloppily or, in the worst case, not at all, you will quickly be faced with low visitor numbers, collapsing traffic and hardly any incoming leads. In order to make good use of this lost time in advance, savers should ask themselves the following questions: Do I want to reach future generations, offer real added value and be prepared for the future as a digital pioneer, or do I want to be on the Internet because I have to be? We wonder what your guests will take away with them when they visit your website and ask themselves whether your food is prepared with just as much love. Depending on the target group, a website can be useful in different ways. The fact is, however, that the Internet is not a trend.

Expressive and modern restaurant website

Be found where you are looking.

For example, if you are new to the city, traveling or visiting, the local area is new and you would need a tour guide to show you the best restaurant in the area. This tour guide already exists and is called “Google”. The question that should be on your mind as a restaurateur is: “Does the tour guide (Google) even have me on screen?

Hungry diners usually check a website before visiting a restaurant to find out what to expect. What dishes are on offer? Are there any special specialties and offers? What is the price range for the food and drinks on offer? Is there a delivery service? A highly searchable restaurant website can therefore make it easier for visitors to find the right place.

Your restaurant website plays an important role!

Why a website is becoming increasingly important

Search options are shifting

People used to ask their friends, but nowadays they go on their own in search of the perfect restaurant visit. Understandably so, because a quick entry via smartphone is done in no time. Thanks to the Google algorithm, suitable results are also displayed according to my search criteria. and displayed. It is therefore important from the outset to create your restaurant's website with clearly assignable keywords, meta titles and unique description texts. With a focus on content, Google primarily evaluates the structure, performance and value of your website. Above all, the long-term maintenance and support of the site is one of the most important factors for being found for a long time. Would you like to talk more about Google, its criteria and technical SEO content? Then simply get in touch with us and let us inspire you!

First impressions are becoming more important

Based on various surveys and statistics, the first impression is one of the most important criteria for staying or leaving a website. Logically, this is how it is in reality, as we all know. The eye eats with you is an appropriate saying, because young people in particular are easier to reach with images and videos. Why? Through social media in the early years. Even small children are able to use tablets and smartphones, which certainly doesn't lead to them picking up the phone and making reservations later on. Technology is already educating your customers to become digital nomads and this train of progress cannot be stopped or changed. The only way to future-proof the company for later generations is to set it up early in the digital sector. Whether online reservation systems, innovative websites or a strong social media presence. At the end of the day, it is the searcher who decides which first impression was decisive for the visit.

Guests are looking for added value

You have now successfully launched your website and are eagerly awaiting the first visitors and interactions. Unfortunately you have forgotten something important, your website is like 1000 others. There is no outstanding reason to visit your site besides all the others. Why? They offer no added value. Many restaurants use a simple and inexpensive variant of visibility - a digital business card or colloquially: landing page. A website in 2021 must offer more than just an overview of opening hours or a quickly inserted contact option. With great attention to detail and unusual concepts, you can impress your visitors not only with culinary delights, but also visually before they visit the restaurant online! What added value are guests looking for on a restaurant website? Quite simply, just ask yourself what you would expect to find on a good gastronomy website. Of course, we are talking about a digital menu with prices, and a route planner is also a must! But make sure you do much more. How about an online reservation including table selection, for example? At the same time, they show the current weather with up to a 6-day forecast for the optional possibility of making a reservation outside on the terrace. Also offer a delivery service and much more! There are countless ways to make a visit to your website appealing to your guests. We will show you how, and above all, what is right and sensible for your concept!


Another point that should not be underestimated is competitiveness. To believe that every restaurateur thinks the same way when it comes to websites, online reservations and delivery services is a mistake. As a provider of the Reservia SaaS solution, we see on a daily basis how differently restaurateurs work and are accordingly present. We believe that an appealing website with added value, good content and unique features is important and boosts sales regardless of the industry! After all, you represent your entire company, worldwide. So why are so many restaurant owners poorly or not at all represented on the Internet? This is mainly due to a lack of understanding and the overcrowding of solutions on offer. It's a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. But don't worry, we bring light into the darkness, Reservia is your reservation system including website solution, period. No blah-blah, no empty promises. We are your professionals when it comes to websites, innovative features and your reservation process. Simple, clear, high-performance and visually appealing - that's what Reservia is all about and that's what we stand for. Competitiveness is guaranteed with us as your partner. Our reservation software is based on the latest standards of browser-based programming(WebAssembly) and is combined with years of agency experience in the field of web design & marketing.

Create your own restaurant website

What options are there?


The longest and oldest way to create a website from 0 to 100 is the tried and tested but long superfluous method of direct programming using HTML & CSS. This method has long since become obsolete and is only used as a supplementary measure. The biggest disadvantage of this method is the necessary knowledge of HTML & CSS and the time required.


The website builder is an easy-to-use tool that has become one of the most popular systems thanks to its drag & drop functions. Using ready-made layouts, templates and modules, you can copy and paste from section to section and change the font, image and content. The biggest advantage is the ease of use, but at the expense of customizability - tied to the software specifications


The most convenient and professional option is to use an agency, ideally one that has gained a foothold in the industry and has the necessary know-how. The biggest advantages in brief: Complete design freedom, technical know-how, security and legal compliance. Designers also ensure that your restaurant's web presence looks almost perfect.

Visitors by end device

Extract from Statista 2020 (Europe) - rising trend Compared to South America, Africa and Asia, the proportion is still low. South America alone accounts for a +60% share of mobile visitors

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Conclusion: Restaurant Website

To create a conceptual, unique and modern website, you either need relevant knowledge in web design, HTML & CSS as well as marketing & SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or an industry-specific agency that responds exactly to your needs and requirements. Creating a website on your own is also not without danger, as it is well known that ignorance does not protect you from punishment and very high fines are imposed, especially in the sensitive area of data protection, so you should inform yourself well beforehand and seek help from experts. We clearly recommend the involvement of a specialist, whether in the form of a freelancer or an agency, the website is the global channel for visitors and should be treated accordingly. Simply contact us without obligation. We will show you how to present your restaurant in the best possible light and market it attractively. We support you not only with technical know-how but also with social media trends, analyses of the market situation and ongoing advice and support.