Optimiert für Festhallen, Bierzelte, Brauereien

100% individualisierbar. Online Zahlung. Visueller Tischplan zur Direktbuchung inkl. autom. Rechnungsversand an Ihre Gäste.

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Das Online Reservierungssystem

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Praxiserfahrung mit Erfolg.

"98% aller Reservierungen wurden ohne unser Zutun bewerkstelligt. Aus 7 Reservierungen am Tag wurden 70. Eine schnelle Effizienzsteigerung, nachweislich und bemerkbar, auch beim Gast."

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Reservia Kunden

Do you know that?

Festzelt Reservierungssystem, Software für Online Reservierung, mit Plan, Boxenreservierung, Festhallen

No-show candidates...

No possibility to make a binding reservation, no deposit system. No data collection of no-shows

Little system, a lot by hand...

Lack of overview of the current number of guests and free tables. No data on popular tables, times or regular guests.

Slow response to requests

Reservations are accepted by telephone. No online payment option, invoicing is done manually.

Too little time

Too many phone calls, waves of guests streaming in, unforeseen group reservations.

That works better.

Festzelt Reservierungssystem für Oktoberfest, Wiesn

Booking with seat selection or autom. Allocation

Receive reservations in real time, have them answered automatically or go directly to online payment. Various parties with individual settings, limits and rules.

Reply Responder with PDF attachments, invoices, general terms and conditions

Automatic reply by e-mail and SMS possible. Design according to your ideas. PDF attachment e.g. terms and conditions, invoice, directions or information

Freely design seats, tables, boxes, rooms

Beer tent, marquee plan with table allocation, editable. Determination of which tables are to be booked as a priority, which only depending on certain conditions and much more.

Ordering system with billing incl. Invoice as PDF

Per person debiting, no-show fees, setting prices such as food and drinks, pre-orders of all kinds, ticket sales (...)

Online Reservierungssystem, Reservia, Ihr Festzelt System

Ready for use in 2 minutes.

Brauerei System

1. to the website

Show your guests the online booking directly when they visit your website or link the form to the landing page generated by Reservia. In your design, of course.

Reservierungssystem Zelt

2. select table / or autom. Assignment, without a plan for the guest

Simply let your guests choose their favorite table themselves. Close to the stage or rather at the pub? Either way, you decide which tables can be booked when and in which dependencies.

Online Zahlung mit Stripe, Reservia

3. pay online

With all common payment methods such as PayPal, credit card, Sofortüberweisung, GPay or ApplePay. The corresponding invoice is generated automatically and can be downloaded at any time.

Can be integrated into your process immediately.

The perfect system for your events. Individual configuration per party, room or table. Automated customer communication with customizable e-mail or SMS responders. Contemporary, modern and easy to use.

Festzelt Reservierung Smartphone

Real-time overview in live operation

Our “Today” view gives you a clear overview of all upcoming, future and current reservations. You can switch between different rooms or locations with just one click.

Online Reservierungssystem bei Reservia

What our customers say

Interview with Festhalle-Bayernland.de

Play Video about Video Thumbnail Festhalle Bayernland Reservia

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Happy customer Reservia online booking reservation system

Test free of charge.

Take advantage of our free test integration and see the system in live operation with your data and your individual processes.

By sending the message, you agree to our privacy policy. You will receive our test account with all premium functions, which is valid for 30 days. At the end of this period, the account will be temporarily deactivated and can be reactivated for continued use for a fee if required. If you do not use the account, it will be deactivated and all personal data and saved information on tables, rooms, seats and configurations will be irrevocably lost.

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